Why my Government are Awesome!

I have recently finished Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food and among other things he tells a story which warms my heart. Apparently in the early 70s the folks who brought us the Food Pyramid and the USRDA had originally reached the conclusion that we should eat very little meat and dairy and lots of fresh vegetables, but the meat and diary industry went apeshit so we now have the "western diet."

In a similar move the current congress is fighting the health "reform" bill because a public option would make insurance companies have to compete. A single payer option was blocked from the discussion by the "democratic" chairman despite the insistence of some doctors. Insurance companies will likely get a windfall of tax dollars from this legislation as we are all "mandated" to have coverage.

Why do these things make me happy? I'll tell you. I am a Hashshishin and business has taken a real hit do to the end of some wars and the new "diplomacy" craze. (Let's hope that's a fad. Can anybody say Pet Rock?) I'm confident the same wiser heads will prevail in my case and realize that hatred and aggression is a serious profit driver. Peace may be good for the masses, but there is an ancient and lucrative industry that is seriously at risk if peace and negotiation is allowed to run unchecked. I am glad I live in a country where commercial interests are given their proper place - trumping nonsense like science, or public well-being, or what is best, or what is right.

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