I've Made My Decision

I have been profoundly saddened and disturbed by some of the visceral, venial and vapid reasons I have heard for not voting for one candidate or another. Witness;

"Barack Obama just scares me."  or

"John Mccain just hasn't looked presidential"

I mean come on people. Voting is a sacred civic duty that should be carried out with thoughtfulness and sober deliberation. You have to think about your choices and make a rational decision based on substantive alternative policies and viewpoints.

In this vein, I have decided to reveal my choice for President and give you my faithful reader some insight into my careful thought process.

I am voting for Barack Obama.

Because his name rhymes with words that sound more fun like "llama" and  "Bananarama" and "mama."

John MaCain, seriously, try it.  "Pain" and "rain" and "disdain" and "chain" and "insane".  Way less fun.

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