Trudeau - Weight Loss Cure

I just received and read this book last night. Every once in a while I get the infomercial impulse especially around weight loss plans (also tried 6 week body makeover which I can tell you works as promised, left me unable to think clearly and required a drastic change in eating pattern for the rest of your life.) So I bought the book along with his two natural cure books.

Let me cut to the chase, Trudeau is cynically praying on the hopes of a pretty frustrated group of people in order to make money. (Infomercial, duh!) But the disgusting part is he spends two thirds of the book claiming what a good guy he is because he's trying to stop the food, drug and weight loss industries from taking advantage of overweight people.

Three really important points he neglects to mention in his infomercial that might drastically affect his book sales;

  1. The cure relies on injections of hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) a substance banned in the U.S. by the FDA for weight loss uses and available only by prescription.
  2. If you are a vegetarian this protocol might help you lose weight but will certainly make you violently ill (requires the consumption of "large steaks" at one point.
  3. Will cost you $1000s of dollars if you follow the protocol exactly as prescribed (And this doesn't include the cost of going to another country to legally obtain a 6 week supply of hCG injections)
Were he the dogooder crusader he annoyingly often claims in the book, these small points might be clearly spelled out in the infomercial.

To be fair, I make no claim that it won't work. There is a radical change in diet involved including the swearing off forever of refined and super refined carbohydrates, eating at more reasonable hours and intervals, a huge regimen of sound cleansing and wellness practices, walking an hour a day, a healthy regimen of nutrient supplements, an insistance on 100% organic, and lots of filtered water.

If I went to any reasonable health care professional and asked if this would help me maintain a healthy weight they would say "most certainly"

I don't know from hCG it may release fat stores in the way claimed, it may not. I'm willing to accept his testimonial of Dr. Simeons research.

Part of his project is revealing the corporate/government machine that is set against the health of Americans and perhaps through this book he can break open the discussion in the way that say the morning after pill finally was brought to American parlance. The FDA ban very well could be unreasonable - there is nothing reasonable about a government "of the people" working hard to protect corporate interests at the expense of its people.

Even were this cure to become reasonably attainable in the U.S. without firing doctor after doctor for unwillingness to violate an FDA ban, it would still do me no good. Having been a Vegetarian for 17 years, I would projectile vomit the necessary steak an Olympic Record distance (Yes there is 0 variability at that particular point in the program, it must be a beef steak).

So Mr. Trudeau, should this miraculously come to your attention I call for these statements to be added to your infomercial:

  1. Vegetarians: ignore this commercial and go to and do their protocol instead (a point he gets to on page 147).
  2. If you don't have pretty hefty financial means be prepared to scrimp and save to make this happen (The cost of supplements and professional treatments alone is prohibitive).
  3. If you like your doctor or can't afford to fire your work provided HMO be prepared to leave the country to get hCG.
Finally ignore his claim that you can eat what you want when you're done. For most Americans this is a radical shift in the way you eat. You will have to cook for yourself on a stove forever.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about checking out the Okinawa Diet Plan, by Bradley J. Willcox ? There are veggie options for all the meals and I know you like Asian food.