Why My Shoes Are Untied

I have to admit , I have (with apologies to Queenryche) a rage for order. I like mowing the lawn for the evenness it creates. Sounds a little like OCD no? But I can assure you that I am not, as my truly OCD friends can testify. I often walk around with my shoes untied which drives them absolutely batty; they'll actually tie them for me which always kicks off a little bit of Dylan "When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe" tangled up in Bloooooo..ooo. oo. It's not that I am incapable of tying my own shoes, though perhaps barely capable, it's just that I have work shoes with those skinny little laces that don't stay tied and I know they will come undone. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same action expecting a different outcome; well I have enough evidence that I'm a little odd, I'd rather not graduate to full on psychosis. And besides I like the fact that it drives my friends batty. I can be a little mean I guess. I even had this one over the top OCD friend; I'm talking measuring the desk placement with a ruler. He ran a highly ordered running store and I would torture him by turning one of the shoes around or shirts or something. He wouldn't see what was wrong right away, but he knew viscerally and he would just sort of tremble in frenzy until he figured it out. Yeah mean. By the way, my friends are just particular. They do not in fact have the clinical disorder. I'm not mean enough to trouble the mentally ill. Just saying.
But I have digressed mightily. Nothing gives me more pleasure than symmetry except perhaps circle composition. When I go for my swim workouts I am happiest when the workout is neatly arranged around a central point like 400 warmup 1 -2 -4-2- 1 400 warmdown. When that happens, a happy ring, like the sound magic makes in David Eddings Belgariad/Mallorean, goes off in my head. That's kinda weird right? But there's nothing I can do about it; Rorschach Blots make feel all warm and fuzzy.
"What do you see?"
"How about now?"
"Veddy Interestink?"
(See I told you I need to leave the shoe laces pretty much alone)
I have to admit, I have (with apologies to Queensryche) a rage for order.

See circle composition :-)...

Oh Crap I just ruined it :-(.

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