My crazy Lab

So my dog Morgan has this adorable habit of jumping our six foot fences and going into our neighbors yard. Perfectly natural. Well one day, I come outside and there's my neighbor waving to me urgently. Seems he had the temerity to sequester my dog in his house and was getting all exercised because she was eating the garbage in his kitchen. So I did the only reasonable thing; I fired up the John Deere, crashed through the fence, set the cutting deck to putting green and headed for the prize flower garden. Oh yeah, the begonias were gonna pay. So this sonzabich gets the hose and starts spraying me like I wasn't perfectly within my rights. Finally some other neighbors come running out, I'm spinning the tires in the mud flinging rose bushes to the trees and they tell us both to calm down. They propose a deal: he turns off the water and lets Morgan out of the kitchen once she's full and I can back the tractor into my yard if I want. Sounds perfectly fair to me. She's a good girl.

Yeah Israel it's like that.

I'm sorry I got unplugged from the Matrix there for a bit, let me take a second to jack back in...uh...yup there we go.

Hezbollah kidnapped those innocent soldiers, Israel is the victim, that four year old with the big eyes is a terrorist super spy. The media is right, ...defending herself ....reasonable response. I will not think.....

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