I'm Rummy ... and So Am I
Today Donald Rumsfeld's conflicted other personality held a press conference. In an unusually frank moment Rumsfeld admitted America faces a threat of "a new fascism." Generally Rumsfeld is not considered forthcoming about the state of the administration, but admitting now that they are in fact fascists is a big step on the road to recovery. "Hi I'm Don and I'm a recovering fascist. It's been ten days since I last abused power." This is the first appearance of Rumsfeld's second personality, but it' revelation has cleared up the mystery of Rumsfeld's former press outings. The generally held assumption that Rumsfeld was asking and answering rhetorical questions by himself has been finally laid to rest. Apparently he was talking to his critical other ego. Today the rarely seen alter ego lashed out at Democrats for lacking the courage to stand up to this new breed of fascist. (That would be short and stupid, instead of short and crazy) Further confusing the matter, the alter ego warned that we might not have the political will to win a war which Rumsfeld proper has repeatedly asserted that we have already won. He also declared that the media was losing the war, even though they are in fact not fighting, by revealing facts about the administration . Clearly the message resounded "If we allow the truth to be known... then the terrorists have won!"
Editor. It's hard to be whimsical when a fascist cynically uses the word to describe others. It is clear that the attack the attackers strategy has reached a new level. Rumsfeld and crew would certainly know fascism as it's most widely influential proponent, so it is strange that they could so blatantly misapply the term. Those we are fighting are not in fact a government or state and do not work for/coexist as large corporate/state interests. Now there is no question that a portion of America that does exactly what they are told will dutifully parrot that Bin Laden is just like Hitler and that the media is patently UnAmerican for having the temerity to question and therefore "lose the war in the media." As always Rumsfeld intimated that the truth was something other than the information that has surfaced in the media, but as always neglected to reveal what in fact that truth was. It is especially amazing that a segment (you 32% know who you are) are satisfied with the "we have the truth but we are not going to tell you what it is defense." What's next the "I've got your nose" ploy. Apparently Piaget has some more work to do discovering the I reason like a 4 year old stage that most of us actually leave when we're... oh say... five.
1 comment:
It's charming when fascists don't understand that holding the power of state is a key component of actual fascism. It's kinda like the fascination (get it? get it?) with "blogofascism."
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